Tuesday, June 28, 2011

...when I stopped to think.

Recently I became very concerned about my personal integrity.

You see, our experiences shape us.  They affect who we become.  And sometimes we catch ourselves in an act so automatic that we can't remember when it started or why.  At times like this, we are struck by what such an act might say about us.

This week, I experienced such a moment.

And that, right there, is what led to my Profound Moment of the Week.  I was ready to kill this spider, to assume that it deserved to die, just because it looked a little bit like an ant.  You know, coloring and segmentation and all that.  I saw this spider and my brain screamed "ANT.  DIE."

And so the spider lives to creepy crawl another day.

All I have to say is that if that thing really is a super soldier born of some horrific genetic combination of ant and spider, bred specifically for the purpose of killing me, I'm gonna be really irritated.

Note: I was only about ten minutes late for work that day.

The Only Other Note for this Post: I know that I misspelled "psychological."  Don't look at me like that!

Another Note which Indicates that I Lied about the Previous Note Being the Only Other Note for this Post: By "light plate," I meant "electrical outlet."  Same diff, right?

Friday, June 3, 2011

...when I lied.

In my previoust post, I mentioned that I always tell the truth and cry when I'm in trouble.

This is why.

And so, whenever I get in trouble, I tell the truth.  And then I cry.  Because each time I consider lying and instead decide to tell the truth, I remember this most traumatic incident from my childhood, and I think about how terrible it might have been if I had tried to lie again.  Yes.  It still haunts me that much. 

Note: I didn't get another formal lesson on nouns until I was in 8th grade.  Don't ask me how I managed to pass school until then.

Another Note: 10 points if you noticed my homeroom teacher's name change midway through the post.

Another Note, But This One is Taunting: "The dog ate my homework" is for people with no imagination.  Go big or go home.

The Final Note of This Particular Post: I've been doing some really cool stuff with Stephanie over at I couldn't pick a blog title...  Editing photos 'n such.  Take a look if you have some time!